Sell Yourself

Writing a CV can be a stressful task, especially if you’re starting from scratch. Give yourself the best chance of success by writing a CV that demonstrates why you are the perfect candidate. Not sure where to start? Read our basic rules and handy tips below.

Writing Your CV

When writing your CV it is important to realise the objective of exactly what your intending to achieve. Remember your CV is your basic first impression to a potential employer. It gives you the opportunity to introduce yourself and to sell and market your skills as a means to progress to interview. In terms of presentation your CV should be written on a good quality paper and you should use a plain typeface in black ink. The inclusion of a footer with your name on is a good idea for quick reference for the reader, but the addition of borders is unnecessary and generally a waste of time.

There are many types of CV formats, but there is no need to over complicate things. Keep the layout simple. Your full name and contact details should be written at the top of the first page in a header preferably aligned to the right. You could then start with a personal statement which explains your positive attributes and abilities. Consider writing this section in bullet points or short sentences to avoid long confusing sentences. Long confusing sentences often cause the employer not to read the mass of information, so try and keep the statements brief and to the point. Remember that these sentences are your basic first impression to a potential employer, so they need to be right and need to make an impact.


Fine Details

Whatever job you're applying for emphasise your previous job roles and education that are applicable. Focus on what you have, not what you don’t have. The final thing to consider is your spelling and grammar. Use the correct spell check system on your word processing programme and ask a friend or colleague to proof read it to ensure all is as it should be. If you've completed your CV and want to register with us please visit our registration page.

Job Search

Use the search filters below to refine our currently available job vacancies. Please send us your CV to apply and join our mailing list.

Key Content

List your previous employment with the most recent first. Include the company name and address, your roles and responsibilities and dates of employment. A section about your education can then follow in the same format. Avoid gaps in your history. Even with the best will in the world employers can think the worst if there is an obvious gap in your timeline. Your extra vocational interests can come last and should be kept to a minimum.

Neat & Tidy

Align things correctly and justify sentences if it looks more presentable. Avoid rambling; a difficult to read and boring CV will end up on the wrong pile if the appropriate information is difficult to extract and doesn’t make easy reading. In an ideal situation consider having a basic CV that can be adjusted and tailored specifically for each placement.